Keep Biting On🐍

Cobra Finance
2 min readMay 10, 2021

Never let go!

Each and every one of you in our community: Cobras

CobraFinance was developed, knowing the fact that investors face trouble finding a SAFU yield farm. We look to provide exceptional value to the system to create a healthy, safe, and sustainable environment for people to yield farms with high APR.

We have provided everyone a secured environment for you to stake your tokens and obtain BITE in the process as rewards.

Keep biting on, fellow COBRAS 🐍.


Website: To be filled


How are we making it safe, effective, and exciting for you?


  • We will be implementing a lottery system to help our community to strive and earn more BITE. Most importantly, we will decrease inflationary pressure and assist our Cobras to achieve a better yield

SECURITY— We will assure your trust in us by completing the following measures:

  • Initial liquidity burned after our fair launch
  • Timelock contracted to be activated after our fair launch
  • Removal of migrator code
  • No additional proxy contracts


  • By providing a sustainable vault for our Cobras, the auto-compounding farm will enable everyone to garner more BITE. This will, in turn, build a stable price point for our cobras to BITE on and reach for the moon 🚀



Cobra Finance

Yield Farming on Binance Smart Chain